All in Balance

Breakup Wine

He shows up with wine and flowers, we missed Valentine’s Day and he wanted to do something. It’s sweet, it eases my concerns. We hangout for a bit and then he says it.


“I wish your intuition wasn’t so good.”


And just like that everything gets fuzzy.

Everything I Need To Know About Dating I Learned From New Girl

I think I went on 14 first dates in September, FOURTEEN FIRST DATES. That is a h*ck ton of energy. Some of them were great and lead to second dates, some of them were good but didn’t really go anywhere, I was ghosted twice* (one I was meh about, one I was moderately mopey about), one I’m not 100% sure what is happening to this day, and only two were straight up bad.

Bad Ass Warrior Babes.

Recently, becoming self-employed, an “indulgence” became something different. Rather than a $300 purse, an indulgence became a $4.25 latte more than once a week. When one of my favorite events, Indulge, came around this year I had to seriously think about if I should go. The ticket was $100, I’d have to sub out a class which decreases my income. I love indulge but was it worth the risk? Knowing how I felt following the inaugural event last year, I decided it was worth the risk, worth the splurge, I decided to make it work.

Not A Sprint

When you stop and then decide to start again things aren’t as easy. This applies to diet choices, yoga practices, running, dating, even getting your eyebrows waxed. Once you’re out of the habit getting back in is going to be rough.


So what’s this whole thing about? Other than the little humble brag represented by the previous paragraph...I’m in the midst of a much bigger jump than those orange weights. One year ago, from July, 28th to be exact, Namasdre and I said the initial “yes” on creating Mind + Matter. Mind + Matter is a marketing studio based around the same principles we’ve committed to building my our lives around. It’s about personal health and well being, being mindful in crafting words that matter, and most importantly helping other local businesses not just promote to their products or services, but find genuine connections with people in our community.

Pursuit of Appiness

I realize you are very likely reading this because you saw it on Facebook or via Twitter (thanks for clicking through, btw) and I, clearly, love social media. I love it enough to make a career out of it. Maybe you do too, or maybe you realize it’s increasingly part of how we communicate and its use seems inevitable. So what do you do when your social media activity seems to be impacting your mood?

Wait. What?

Upon arriving one of the first things my gracious host said to me was, “you need to quit your job.” Um, again...WHAT? How do people keep dropping these bombs as casually as they’re saying, “it’s sunny today,” like it is the clearest, most obvious statement in the world?

My Anxiety Is A Gift?

The constant brace for disaster hasn’t made me more aware of life; it’s made me tired, it’s given me wrinkles in my forehead from having my brow constantly furrowed, in so many ways it has fundamentally altered how I live my life. And it isn’t for the better. Even in situations where everything is fine one tiny change, one small pebbled dropped in the water, can ripple into a tidal wave of anxiety that consumes me. I don’t feel like that makes my life richer. But if my anxiety is a gift...I’d rather get a gift card.

I'm Not Ok

...Some days are good, some are great, some are not so great. If people ask how I am I still say “great” or “fine.”

The truth is, I’m not great, I’m not fine, a lot of the time I’m not even ok.

The Year of Realizing Stuff

Kylie Jenner has received a lot of criticism for declaring 2016 the “year of realizing stuff.” And, while probably not the most eloquent description, she wasn’t wrong. I spent a lot of 2016 realizing stuff. While this isn’t quite a end of year highlight reel here are a few of the big things I realized...