
Thanks for stopping by. Hope you find something that resonates with you. Have great day!

Bad Ass Warrior Babes.

Bad Ass Warrior Babes.

Indulge is a concept loaded with meaning:

  • To allow oneself to enjoy the pleasure of

  • To revel in

  • To luxuriate in

  • To give yield to

  • To become involved in an undesirable activity

  • To abandon oneself too

More often than not we use to to refer to food, drinks, “guilty pleasures.” I indulged in a pint of ice cream, nachos, a ton of Thai food.

Recently, becoming self-employed, an “indulgence” became something different. Rather than a $300 purse, an indulgence became a $4.25 latte more than once a week. When one of my favorite events, Indulge, came around this year I had to seriously think about if I should go. The ticket was $100, I’d have to sub out a class which decreases my income. I love indulge but was it worth the risk? Knowing how I felt following the inaugural event last year, I decided it was worth the risk, worth the splurge, I decided to make it work.

For most of a Sunday I was able to spend time at Life Equals HQ, actually try a Life Equals shot (they’re DELICIOUS), listen to Julia Harkleroad, Meredith McCallister, Kayla Hargett, Dr. Abby Reed, and Dr. Michelle Robin; enjoy amazing snacks and lunch from Unbakery and Juicery; dance with Christina Burton, experience Kalos with Wendy Zoog and Julia Harkleroad; and melt into the most amazing savasana of my life with a sound bath from Brandon Draper.

I was texting with a friend during the day and he said it sounded like I was doing “hippie stuff” and yeah, it is a little bit free spirity. It’s a little indulgence, to disconnect for a day, to chat, sweat, snack, laugh, and listen with women who are, like me, seeking balance in life, “the hope is that INDULGE™ ignites something in you to define your own balance.”

Did it do that for me? Yes.

Did I cry once or twice? Maaayyyyybeeee (yes)

Did it help me clarify some things I want to remove from and add to my life? Yup.

Am I now obsessed with Unbakery’s Poke Bowls? Yasssss.

Do I have more to say about this event than I can put in one post? Absolutely...stay tuned for more.

Photography courtesy of Allyson Chaney 




Not A Sprint

Not A Sprint