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When it comes to “universe moments” this blog’s owner, Namasdre, is a much bigger proponent than I am. New to the concept of universe moments? Refer to Ralph Waldo Emerson:

“Once you make a decision, the universe conspires to make it happen.”

But I can’t deny that over the past year or so, whenever I’ve made the decision to do something...like really do something...not like a I’m going to go to the grocery store kind of thing...but like a I’m GOING to be a yoga teacher kind of thing...the world around me has rarely let me down. Maybe that’s this universe thing, maybe it’s something else.

Things that I know for sure: being ready is bullshit. I was reminded of this in a small way this week taking a sculpt class from Michelle at Power Life Yoga. Sculpt class is like yoga + bootcamp blended together into the sweatiest hour of your life. If you’re like me and prefer your fitness with a small side of masochism it’s right up your alley. I got to this rather packed class a bit later than I should have and found that the weights I normally use were already all taken by other students. I had a choice...move down...or move up. I’d been on my current weight for quite a while, never feeling like I was ready to move up to the next level...those MF’ing orange weights. The orange weights are the heaviest ones and gym bros often make the mistake of grabbing them the first time they try this sculpt thing out. “This will be easy!” Do I take some pleasure in making sure they regret the decision? Who’s to say. But now it was me taking the orange weights for a spin. And what do you know? I made it through. In fact, this new challenge was rather empowering. I was ready.

So what’s this whole thing about? Other than the little humble brag represented by the previous paragraph...I’m in the midst of a much bigger jump than those orange weights. One year ago, from July, 28th to be exact, Namasdre and I said the initial “yes” on creating Mind + Matter. Mind + Matter is a marketing studio based around the same principles we’ve committed to building my our lives around. It’s about personal health and well being, being mindful in crafting words that matter, and most importantly helping other local businesses not just promote to their products or services, but find genuine connections with people in our community.

At the beginning of August, myself, along with Dre will be committed to M+M on a full time basis. Once again, I don’t feel totally ready, but through saying yes to little things like trying a yoga class, to showing up at things where I don’t know anyone just to give it a shot has led to saying yes to bigger things like taking on a yoga teacher training…and then another teacher training all the while becoming comfortable removing things from my life that don’t bring me value. Each small yes and no, led to ones that were a little bigger, and a little bigger, and now I’m on the verge of the biggest yes yet, self employment. No, the venture is not currently long term sustainable, which is scary, and exciting, but for it to be successful there was never going to be an option other than jumping and fighting like hell to grow wings on the way down.

On a personal end, I look forward to using this opportunity to continue building a life where I feel like all aspects are pulling in the same direction. Where the approach I take to my work mirrors the approach I take to my life, with both aspects strengthening the other. My personal health has become a bigger focus for me while teaching classes and this gives me a better opportunity to live a life that better serves my mental and physical health. Professionally, I’m a pretty* good designer but I’m always wary of a plateau. I feel if I’m not pressing my skills, if I accept yesterday’s work as good enough, I’m moving backwards. Few things can push my growth or motivate me like being personally invested in every project.

I’m well aware of the possibility of this whole thing being an overly idealist Millennial pipe dream that doesn’t have the legs to stand in the real world, but that brings me back to that whole universe thing. Since I moved to Kansas City I’m yet to be disappointed by a decision I’ve made to become more serious about a thing I was doing, or deepening a commitment, so in this pivotal time…I guess I could say “I’m looking at you to deliver big here, universe.”

*Editor’s Note: He is a VERY good designer.


Nothing is done...

Nothing is done...

Pursuit of Appiness

Pursuit of Appiness