Easy Weeknight Meals

After I posted one of our favorite weeknight meals, someone responded to my IG story that they were looking for easy weeknight meals with minimal dishes and effort. Because of who I am as a person, I pulled together a list of recipes that we love AND require minimal effort to send their way. You’re getting them as a bonus.

Top of the morning TO YOU!

I firmly believe that a good day starts with a good breakfast. Our weekend breakfasts feel like a bit of luxury that has the power to put the day on the right path, even when the only plans we have for the remainder of the day are house projects. My humble suggestions are below if you’re looking for a little weekend pick-me-up breakfast.

Journal-istic Integrity

One of the daily prompts is, “What are some recent wins?”

Nothing inspires more frantic soul-searching in me than that question because, when left to my own devices, I only see what I did wrong or could do better rather than what went well. So it’s a muscle I’m making myself build. Some days I have big things like updating a website I’ve been putting off forever, getting through a pile of grading, and knocking out some writing. Then some days, my brain just says, “idk? We’re still alive?” 

I beach readified my life. What I learned from doing less.

Once I realized I had been making things more complicated for myself, I noticed a similar relationship with more things in my life, cooking, exercise, and even this blog. For so long, my mindset was, “I like this thing, and I want to do it, so I have to do it.” I made the things I wanted to enjoy chores. I overly complicated them to the point of robbing them of joy. 

Twenty Twenty-Fun

It wasn’t the year we hoped for, but it was a good one. I’m also still dipping my toes back into the blogging practice so I feel like I should share some updates or in Twitter speak, some personal news.

A Very KC Christmas

It’s been a hard two years for locally-owned businesses AND shopping locally is better for the community. While we’ve definitely missed the holiday shopping window, here are some places I love that you might too.

Meal Plan for the Week of 12/13/21

Our freezer is full. Like FULL FULL. Like we cooked two turkeys for Thanksgiving and ended up with three gallons of turkey stock and have nowhere to put them full. So Trevor decided this week we’re cleaning of the freezer/fridge/pantry for dinner.

Meal Planning for the Semi-Organized, Semi-Tired Cook

So why am I doing this? Mostly so I can stop yelling “hey, what was that thing we liked a few weeks ago? It was maybe spicy??” at Trevor. But also, because I love researching this kind of thing, maybe you don’t. Or maybe you want someone else to test it before you try it out. Either way here we are.