
Thanks for stopping by. Hope you find something that resonates with you. Have great day!

Nothing is done...

Nothing is done...

...but nothing is left undone. - Lao Tzu

This quote embodies the Taoist principle of Wu-Wei, the act of non-doing. The idea behind it is that we only exert the amount of energy needed, nothing more, this makes us maximally effective. Even in yoga, a place we go to slow down, we’re enchanted by muscling our way into the big, bold, Instagrammable poses. In last week’s class I wanted to focus on doing less, on just being in a space, even when it’s difficult. We worked into Prone Frog.

I would love to say I was inspired by reading through philosopher’s words, but really, it was Winnie the Pooh who inspired this class. Calm has a lovely meditation series on the inhabitants of The Hundred Acre Wood and I’ll be carrying them through my classes for the next five weeks.

Here’s what we did and what we listened to while we did it.

But I'm So Small

But I'm So Small

