
Thanks for stopping by. Hope you find something that resonates with you. Have great day!

Paradise Found

Paradise Found

As I’ve started to write my own yoga classes I noticed it’s easy to get lost in the ego of it all. There is a temptation to over complicate things, the sweet spot is to craft a class that is challenging and still creates a feeling of success in each student. I mean...who wants to go to a class where they feel like a failure? I certainly don’t. It’s also easy to design a class around a peak pose that sounds or looks cool. I’ve found that I need to teach to what I’m working through to be able to connect with it, to feel authentic to myself and my students.

Last week we worked on Bird of Paradise. This pose is all about finding your center of balance, opening your hamstrings, and lifting your heart. Here’s the soundtrack and how we did it...



Thank you, Neal

Thank you, Neal

Wait. What?

Wait. What?