All in Meal Plan

Easy Weeknight Meals

After I posted one of our favorite weeknight meals, someone responded to my IG story that they were looking for easy weeknight meals with minimal dishes and effort. Because of who I am as a person, I pulled together a list of recipes that we love AND require minimal effort to send their way. You’re getting them as a bonus.

Meal Plan for the Week of 12/13/21

Our freezer is full. Like FULL FULL. Like we cooked two turkeys for Thanksgiving and ended up with three gallons of turkey stock and have nowhere to put them full. So Trevor decided this week we’re cleaning of the freezer/fridge/pantry for dinner.

Meal Planning for the Semi-Organized, Semi-Tired Cook

So why am I doing this? Mostly so I can stop yelling “hey, what was that thing we liked a few weeks ago? It was maybe spicy??” at Trevor. But also, because I love researching this kind of thing, maybe you don’t. Or maybe you want someone else to test it before you try it out. Either way here we are.